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Additional design flaw identified on Trent 1000 engines

Yet another issue has been identified on Rolls-Royce’s Trent 1000 engines, known to be fitted on the Boeing 787.

Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787 pictured on approach to London Heathrow. Photo by Ervin Eslami | AeroNewsX

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) explains in an Airworthiness Directive: “Analysis of certain LP turbine discs in service has determined that, due to rubbing contact with interstage static seals, cracks may initiate in the front seal fins which could lead to cracks in the disc of the affected parts.”

Ultimately, such cracks could result in damage to the aircraft as a whole as well as reduced control, the directive states.

As an interim measure, the EASA now requires that, if cracks are spotted on the seal fins of an affected part during inspection, it must be replaced prior to its return to service.

The EASA says an addition Airworthiness Directive May follow in regards to this issue with the Trent 1000.

The Trent 1000 has had a number of design errors, with a huge number of aircraft grounded as a result. Costs have risen to nearly half a billion in charges, according to Bloomberg.


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