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KLM Ground Staff Cancel Planned Strike On Sunday

Wouter Spruit

On Sunday the 8th September, KLM ground staff planned to strike from 13.00 until 17.00. The ground staff are not content with their salaries and their working conditions. The only way to exort these demands is striking. However, the strikes have been cancelled after KLM agreed that it is willing to negotiate with the FNV, the largest syndicate in the Netherlands, and other trade unions.

The Dutch Trade Union FNV's ground staff members planned to strike today, for the third time this week. Last Monday and Wednesday, they already striked for two hours with these walkouts causing a lot of problems. The Monday and Wednesday strikes caused 68 cancelled flights and therefore big financial losses. Passengers were asked not to bring any hold luggage simply because it could not be processed.

Photo by AeroNewsX/Paul Schmid.

The FNV demands are simple: an 8% salary increase before 2021 and better working conditions. Jan van den Brink, the FNV director, said in an interview: “If KLM is not willing to arrange a decent wage agreement, and still ignores us after 2 more strikes, we will upscale our sanctions. Up until this Saturday, KLM was only willing to increase the salaries by 2% a year. But knowing the damage these strikes do to their image and their profits, KLM planned a meeting with the Dutch Trade Unions on Monday 9th 2019."

Van den Brink continued: "We are interested to see what these negotiations will deliver. If KLM does not propose an offer close to our demands, we will go on with the striking."


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